Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Welcome to bouncy belly!  This name was created today when my 6 year old daughter sat on my lap and said to me "mom why is your belly so bouncy?" my reply was of course because there were 4 bouncy kids in there!  "But nanna had 6 kids and her belly isn't bouncy at all!"  the four year old joined in "yeah mom your belly just keeps getting bigger and bigger!"  thank you daughters!  I laughed it off at the time but weight has been something I have struggled with a lot!  I was overweight in middle school and thank goodness for highschool sports that helped me loose it!  In college I continued intramural sports but right before my marriage I underwent knee surgery and was in bed for months.  and then from there I got pregnant after the wedding and just didnt have time for sports or exercise.  the weight came on fast and after 3 babies I no longer could fit into regular sizes I had to go to the plus sizes! I was in such shock!  No!  I cant be a size 20!  I joined a gym!  I exercised like crazy but the weight was slow to come off!  I stopped nursing my infant and that helped but then I platued again.  I eventually lost 40 pounds but was no where near what I would have liked to be.
         The real issue comes down to eating right and my inability to do so.  Dont get me wrong I eat the right things most of the time-but I also eat a whole lot of not so right things.  I know how to exercise but eating right is very hard for me!  I get nervous and I want something that tastes sweet and salty things and sugary drinks.  If I have had a bed day I want not just ice cream for dessert but maybe a cookie after wards and later some brownies.  And serving sizes!  I dont eat small portions!  food is a comfort to me.  And when times are stressful (like right now with a huge move and career changes and husband gone a lot and no dish washer(thats a big one)  and no air conditioner!) I eat like crazy!  And I eat a lot of junk food!  
                This blog is my attempt to eat better!  to be healthy!  To set a better example to my children of healthy eating habits. I am going right now as soon as this entry is done and throwing away the star crunches and the doritos and the soda and the twinkies (my daughter got them I actually hate twinkies!  ok but I still eat them)  and the ice cream.  I am going to start tonight by not eating anything else before bed except for water!!!  this will not be like my previous goals where I write down how much weight I want to lose and by when and then calculate how many pounds that would mean a week and spend so much time dreaming about it that it eventually makes me depressed and I just go eat some cake.  This will be a day by day thing!  My goal will only be for each day!  today I will eat healthy. and tomorrow I will deal with when it comes.  Each day I will find at least one new meal to make that I will store in a recipe book for myself.  the winners will of course replace my current meal calendar.  I hope to make this a change in lifestyle not something I just do to get results and then forget about!  
   This hopefully will also serve as a journal for myself to be able to express the emotional trauma this is bound to have on me:)  
   So todays menu consisted of (dang I just had recall of my meals today this really was a weird day not really normal for me.  we were traveling I had limited choices in the car ok theres my excuses!)

Breakfast- starcrunch debbiecake, half a jug of v-8 juice, and a caprisun
snacks- another star crunch and some pretzles
Lunch- hotdogs with ketchup doritos coke and carrots
Dinner- taquitos ,really fatening ranch, milk and green beans
  Current weight - 225 lbs.
  Darn it I am hungry again!  time for some water I guess!

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